Saturday, February 9, 2019

snow day...or prediction of snow day....

All it takes is a little bad weather to make time for organizing art work (or getting extra studio time).

Today I took time to sign, title and list monotypes that I intend to take down to The Arts Shop, at The Arts Center in Corvallis Oregon.
Clearly my love and concern for the forest is shining through in these prints that were made last summer and fall.
I love trees, I respect and am quite concerned about nature and climate change.
The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful place to live with these values and awareness.

These are just iphone shots to catalogue the work that will head to the shop.
Very reasonable prices all  - and The Art Shop has a fantastic selection of NW artists' work.

Sometimes the path is difficult to find. 15"x 22"

Regrowth 1 - 17"x21"

Red bed under forest sky - 17"x21"

Safety Orange - 17"x 21"

Yellow gate at the forest - 17"x 21"