Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hello again

We all are living through some pretty wild times. 
I am a public school art teacher and have been Soooooo busy switching my teaching to online approaches.

Frankly - I have enjoyed the challenge and my art teacher colleagues have been amazingly helpful - and this very new work has taken hours and hours - but I'm getting the hang of it...at least in this current version.

In the meantime - I have mailed a piece to the Yellowstone Art Museum for a show titled
North X NorthWest.

As the museum has been closed and will open in a limited fashion concurrently when the show opens in late May - we have been offered the opportunity to make a video or some digital communication about our work.

Well, I am not film-maker - but in this DIY time of digital communication in lieu of in-person time, I am figuring this stuff out. 
ALSO- I am grateful for the down-n-dirty looser standards of the amateur efforts.

Long intro - here we go- hope it's helpful (the challenge of figuring it out was fun...at least when I got over the worry part).

Hang in there...we'll get through this.
Love - to all 
