Monday, September 22, 2014

Here are some new pieces. They represent an interesting direction I am exploring along with my regular painting.
It began when I had made a background as a first step with my painting and when I looked at what I made, I was so excited to create a scene on it, but was unable to commit to just one direction/solution.

So I had the painting photographed and made into a giclee print. On those "prints" I continued to paint and complete the work. That way, I am able to explore additional ideas.

I did this process with a waterfall background and also with the last painting of my "Scaffold series."
(Speaking of which, the "Yellow Scaffold" will be on display at the BAM, the Beaverton Arts Mix, Opening on 10/4, BAM information )

Here are a few examples of my new endeavor.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The show has closed.

Yet there is more work to photograph or get photographed, so the "work" continues.

That is one of the great things about having a life committed to making art....the "factory" (me) doesn't shut down.
Is that good or bad?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Narrative of Exploration -

The show with Owen Premore is a good looking combination of art!
My paintings and his kinetic, interactive sculptures look like they may have come from the same world.
(Actually I would like to include the image of some of his pieces in my paintings.)

Please make time to see the show.

Here are some photos and video I took today of our work.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Please come see our show at the Corvallis Arts Center.
Opening July 10, 2014 
Brown Bag Art Talk
Thursday, July 17th, 12 noon

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Life has been good.

I just had some of my recent work photographed and here it is.
Blue Scaffold 48"x36"

View from the shed with water plans 48"x36"

Storage attic 36"x24"

Storage attic with 2 chairs 36"x36"